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Graphics      Interactive      Art 


Take a deep breath. Stress management always is a severe problem in the fast-paced city. People are constantly on the go, and life can get a bit hectic.


Plenty of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and sleep problems due to a lack of relaxation. Staying connected to nature in the fast-paced city is rare for the people who live in the concrete jungle.


However, the connection from the heart is an effective way to relax the mind and body. In this project, the relationship of nature is a spotlight that aimed to identify a new perspective on relaxation. 

My Work


Visual healing - Relaxation 

To achieve visual healing, let's define the relax first. 


It could mean to calm the mind and the body. 


Relaxing can quiet your mind and make you feel peaceful and calm.

Visual healing - A natural connection 

Stay connected to nature is one of the most effective ways to visual healing. 


Advanced research in health and wellness shows positive effects on healthcare, which shorter length of stay in the hospital, increased pain tolerance, and decreased anxiety.

Visual healing - Stress management 

Visual healing of nature connection is feasible and effective in relieving anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. The project aims to focus ease stress in a fast-paced city.

Healing and therapy 

Imagery Techniques

promoting healing and recovery, pain reduction, sports performance enhancement, and general stress management.


Mental skills and techniques

Guided imagery, self-hypnosis, and visualization 


Enhance performance

Achieve a positive mindset

THE information about me

Claudia Lam Wing,

Studying university for the Creative Arts BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion and Imaging. 

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